Our most important mission is to love the Lord our God, His Son the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit that indwells every believer with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and you our neighbor as ourselves. However, a very important part of our mission is to see that Our Purpose for being here is continually a work in progress. On any visit to our site you might be encouraged by something we have posted that will draw you closer to the Lord, while another visitor having read the same posting might be convicted of something they want to do to bring honor to Him. Still another on the same day, reading the same article might be moved by the Holy Spirit to repent and be saved. Only God knows every possibility from any future posting on our site. From time to time we will challenge unbelievers in light of God's Word and Will to examine who they are and where they will spend eternity. Regularly, we will post info on ministries and missions that we believe are having a vital, necessary impact on the Kingdom of God. Also, we want to recognize real American heroes and the sacrifices and contributions they have made or which they are making to make this world a better place.